Omega Liquid Alts Strategies SMA

Separately Managed Account Structure on AlignedOne
Account Minimum: $25,000
Valuation and Redemption Frequency: Daily
Portfolio Management Fee: 45 basis points
Portfolio Manager: Steven Adang, CFA, CAIA
(Anchor Pacific Investments of ACPI)
Risk Rating: Medium
Category: Alternative
Exposure: Global Multi-asset
Benchmark: Canadian T-Bills + 300 basis points
Current Portfolio: 13 Funds, 15 managers
Omega Liquid Alts Strategies SMA is a specialized portfolio invested across 10 to 15 uncorrelated alternative investment strategies with the goal of generating positive absolute returns independent of equity, credit, interest rates and other major risk factors. It is intended as an enhancement to traditional asset allocations through the lowering of portfolio volatility and other downside risk metrics while maintaining an acceptable overall portfolio return.
Managers are reviewed quarterly and the portfolio will rebalance annually. All strategies are available as a prospectus-based mutual fund or ETF with daily liquidity.