Anchor Pacific Fortress Portfolio SMA

​​Separately Managed Account Structure on AlignedOne
Account Minimum: $50,000
Valuation and Redemption Frequency: Daily
Portfolio Management Fee: 35 basis points
Portfolio Manager: Steven Adang, CFA, CAIA (Anchor Pacific Investments of ACPI)
Risk Rating: Medium
Category: Global Balanced
Exposure: Global Multi-asset
Benchmark: 18% Canadian Equities (XIU) / 42% World Equities (XWD) / 40% Canadian Bonds (XBB)
Current Portfolio: 22 ETFs and Mutual Funds
The Anchor Pacific Fortress Portfolio SMA is long-term orientation comprehensive investment program focused on a total return approach to capital management. The Portfolio is anchored by a full open architecture model encompassing the spectrum of global investment opportunities with a strategic balanced mix of traditional and alternative investment strategies designed to maximize expected returns within a prudent and disciplined risk framework.
Allocations are monitored and updated quarterly and the portfolio will rebalance annually. All holdings are ETFs or prospectus-based mutual funds with daily liquidity.