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Summer 2016 trip to Ã…land archipelago. Strong winds and waves_edited.jpg

Alternative Portfolios

Anchor Pacific offers discrete alternative portfolios as a stand-alone option for clients looking for a single source of focused and specialized expertise to complement their traditional asset portfolios.

Leverage our analytics-driven approach, deep technical understanding, and globally unconstrained access to skill-based managers that add true differentiation to your investment portfolio.

Typical Advisor Alternative Investment Portfolio

Typical Advisor Alternative Portfolio

The typical Canadian individual investor's alternative portfolio is overallocated to illiquid investments, typically within real estate and credit. This causes undue concentration risk as well as potential limitations on being able to sell your investments when you most need to.

Illiquid Strategies (55%)

Private Debt

Private Equity

Private Real Estate Debt

Private Real Estate Equity

Liquid Strategies (45%)

Arbitrage (SPACs and Mergers)

Alternative Fixed Income (Leveraged)

Equity Market Neutral

Equity Long/Short

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