Anchor Pacific manages five core asset allocation strategies built on our multi-asset framework. Each asset allocation maps to a specific client risk score, which is a non-subjective measure of your unique risk tolerance.
Click the buttons below to see the composition and targeted risk profile for each asset allocation.
You know you. We know investing.
​Lower risk.
Composed of more conservative assets that provide capital preservation, diversification, and liquidity.
International Fixed Income
Canadian Fixed Income
Hedge Strategies (non-Equity)
Equity Hedge Strategies
Canadian Equity
Fixed Income Extended
​Medium risk.
Composed of investments that act as portfolio stabilization agents and/or risk diversifiers.
​Higher risk.
Composed of more aggressive assets including public and private equity.
US Equity
International Developed Equity
Emerging Markets Equity
Commodities & Currency
Capital Growth

Balanced Portfolio
Mission: Growth and Stability
Our Balanced Portfolio balances the need for capital protection, cashflow stability, current income, and long-term growth with a targeted risk profile consistent with a 40% target allocation to fixed income and a 60% target allocation to equities.
Historical Risk:
Standard Deviation: 7.8%
Maximum Drawdown: 26.5%
Drawdown Duration: 16 months
Recovery Duration: 20 months
Time to High-Water Mark: 36 months
Any portfolios described here are strictly theoretical in nature and are presented for illustrative purposes only. Actual client portfolios will likely differ from the general descriptions presented here.
The historical risk figures cited for each Portfolio profiled are based on historical figures from 2001-2023 for asset classes in the percentages that they would represent in each reference portfolio.
All figures cited here have been garnered by Anchor Pacific from sources deemed reliable, and are subject to revision without notice. Anchor Pacific will not be held liable for any inaccuracies or misprints. Actual returns may differ from the returns presented based upon, among other factors, time of investment. The characteristics of any benchmark indices or proxies to represent specific asset classes or strategies, may be materially different from that of any funds selected for investment, and thus, little correlation may exist between the funds’ returns and those of such indices or proxies. These are only disclosed to allow for comparison to that of widely recognized indices and/or market proxies.