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Asset Classes & Strategies

Access a broad and unconstrained range of global opportunities.

The typical Canadian individual investor's portfolio is over reliant on traditional asset classes and lacks proper diversification. With yields on traditional bonds at less than 2%, what has worked in the past is not likely to work going forward. Maintaining the status quo is likely to result in lower expected returns and a higher risk profile.  


Expanding beyond traditional asset classes for diversifying risk exposures and stable cashflows is critical to optimizing returns and managing to a stated risk tolerance in today’s world where valuations are high, income potential is low, and risks are elevated.

Beyond Traditional Stocks and Bonds

Omega LAS 5.png

Event Driven

Equity Market Neutral

Equity Long Short

Private Equity (8%)

Private Equity Replication

Fixed Income /
Extended Credit Strategies (19%)
Equity Hedge Strategies (40%)
Real Assets (8%)

Canadian Fixed Income

Macro & Systematic Strategies (25%)

Event Driven

Equity Market Neutral

Omega Enhanced Alternative Portfolio (OEAP) is invested across 15-20 uncorrelated alternative investment strategies with the goal of generating positive absolute returns independent of equity, credit, interest rates and other major risk factors. It is intended as an enhancement to traditional asset allocations through the lowering of portfolio volatility and other downside risk metrics while maintaining an acceptable overall portfolio return.  


Managers are reviewed quarterly and the portfolio will rebalance annually.  

Learn more about how Anchor Pacific partners with Financial Advisors
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